Did You Know ?
Gjirafa is one of the fastest growing Internet Services companies in Central Europe.
Gjirafa is one of the most well-funded tech startups in Europe.
Gjirafa50 is the biggest online retailer in the region.
Gjirafa50 launched in November 2016 with 50 unique products in its inventory.
GjirafaMall offers a selection of more than 160,000 products.
GjirafaMall has a live chat average response rate of 29 seconds.
Gjirafa AdNetwork facilitates targeted promotion to Albanian speaking audiences consisting of more than 10 million people.
GjirafaVideo streams more than 100 active channels, as well as exclusive original content produced by Gjirafa Studios.
Gjirafa Masters League Season 2 amassed a viewership of up to 20k concurrent users for over 12 hours per day.
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